Solving the Infamous “Undeclared Identifier ‘longTakeProfit’ in Pine Script” Error
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Solving the Infamous “Undeclared Identifier ‘longTakeProfit’ in Pine Script” Error

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Are you tired of seeing the frustrating “Undeclared Identifier ‘longTakeProfit’ in Pine Script” error message pop up in your TradingView console? You’re not alone! This pesky issue has plagued many a Pine Script enthusiast, but fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to embark on a quest to vanquish this beast once and for all.

What’s Behind the Error?

The “Undeclared Identifier ‘longTakeProfit’ in Pine Script” error typically occurs when the Pine Script compiler can’t find a declaration for the variable or function ‘longTakeProfit’. This can happen due to various reasons, including:

  • Typo in the variable name
  • Variable not declared in the local scope
  • Funciton not imported from a library
  • Script syntax issues

Step-by-Step Troubleshooting Guide

Let’s dive into a comprehensive troubleshooting process to resolve this error once and for all. Follow these steps carefully, and we’ll get your Pine Script up and running in no time!

Step 1: Check for Typos

The most common culprit behind the “Undeclared Identifier ‘longTakeProfit’ in Pine Script” error is a simple typo. Yes, it’s easy to overlook, but a single misplaced character can wreak havoc on your script. Take a closer look at the variable name and ensure it’s spelled correctly:

var longTakeProfit = 10

Verify that the variable name matches the exact spelling and casing used throughout your script.

Step 2: Verify Variable Declaration

Make sure the ‘longTakeProfit’ variable is declared within the local scope of your script. Pine Script has a specific syntax for declaring variables, so ensure you’re using the correct syntax:

var longTakeProfit = input(10, "Long Take Profit")

In this example, we’re declaring a variable ‘longTakeProfit’ with an initial value of 10 and an input field label “Long Take Profit”.

Step 3: Check for Function Imports

If you’re using a function like ‘longTakeProfit’ from a library or another script, ensure you’ve imported it correctly. For instance, if you’re using the built-in ‘ta’ library, you would import it like this:

import ta = require('ta')

Verify that the function or variable is correctly imported and available within your script.

Step 4: Inspect Script Syntax

Syntax issues can cause the Pine Script compiler to throw errors. Review your script’s syntax, paying attention to:

  • Parentheses and bracket placement
  • Semicolons and line breaks
  • Indentation and block formatting
  • Missing or mismatched quotes

Use the Pine Script Editor’s built-in syntax highlighting and code completion features to identify any syntax issues.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid

As you troubleshoot the “Undeclared Identifier ‘longTakeProfit’ in Pine Script” error, keep an eye out for these common pitfalls:

Pitfall Description
Variable Shadowing Declare variables with unique names to avoid shadowing, which can lead to unexpected behavior.
Scope Mix-ups Be mindful of variable scope and ensure you’re accessing the correct variable in the correct context.
Library Version Issues Verify that you’re using the correct version of the ‘ta’ library or other dependencies to avoid compatibility issues.


By following this comprehensive guide, you should be able to resolve the “Undeclared Identifier ‘longTakeProfit’ in Pine Script” error and get your script up and running. Remember to stay vigilant, as a single typo or syntax issue can cause the error to resurface. Happy Pine Scripting!

If you’re still stuck, don’t hesitate to reach out to the Pine Script community or TradingView support for further assistance.

Bonus Tip: Code Organization and Readability

To avoid similar issues in the future, consider implementing a consistent code organization and readability strategy. This can include:

  • Using clear and descriptive variable names
  • Organizing code into logical sections and functions
  • Commenting code for clarity and documentation
  • Using code formatting and indentation best practices

By following these best practices, you’ll not only reduce the likelihood of errors but also make your code more maintainable and efficient.

Frequently Asked Question

Get the answers to the most common Pine Script errors, and take your coding skills to the next level!

What does “Undeclared identifier ‘longTakeProfit'” mean in Pine Script?

This error occurs when Pine Script cannot find a declared variable or function named ‘longTakeProfit’. It’s like trying to call a friend who doesn’t exist! Make sure you’ve declared the variable or function before using it in your script.

How do I declare a variable in Pine Script?

Easy peasy! To declare a variable in Pine Script, simply use the ‘var’ keyword followed by the variable name and its data type. For example, ‘var float longTakeProfit = 0’ declares a floating-point variable named ‘longTakeProfit’ and initializes it with a value of 0.

Can I use a variable before declaring it in Pine Script?

No way! In Pine Script, you must declare a variable before using it. If you try to use an undeclared variable, you’ll get the “Undeclared identifier” error. It’s like trying to withdraw money from an empty bank account!

How do I fix the “Undeclared identifier ‘longTakeProfit'” error in Pine Script?

To fix this error, simply declare the ‘longTakeProfit’ variable before using it in your script. Check your code to make sure the variable is declared and spelled correctly. If you’re still stuck, try re-reading the Pine Script documentation or seeking help from the Pine Script community!

Why is it important to declare variables in Pine Script?

Declaring variables in Pine Script is essential because it helps prevent errors, makes your code more readable, and ensures that your script runs smoothly. It’s like labeling your files in a filing cabinet – it keeps everything organized and easy to find!

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