Can we have “computed” properties in Lit web components?
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Can we have “computed” properties in Lit web components?

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If you’re a web developer working with Lit, you may have wondered if it’s possible to have “computed” properties in your web components. The answer is yes, and in this article, we’ll explore how to achieve this. But before we dive into the solution, let’s clarify what we mean by “computed” properties.

What are computed properties?

In programming, a computed property is a property whose value is derived from other properties or variables. In other words, it’s a property that is calculated or computed based on other values. This concept is commonly used in reactive frameworks like Vue.js, where computed properties are a key feature.

In Lit, we don’t have built-in support for computed properties like Vue.js. However, we can achieve similar functionality using Lit’s property and state management features.

Why do we need computed properties in Lit?

Computed properties are useful in various scenarios, such as:

  • Derived state**: When the state of your component depends on other properties or variables, computed properties can help simplify your code and make it more efficient.
  • Read-only properties**: Sometimes, you want to expose a property that is calculated based on other properties, but you don’t want it to be directly modified.
  • PERFORMANCE OPTIMIZATION**: By using computed properties, you can avoid unnecessary recalculations and improve the performance of your component.

Implementing computed properties in Lit

Lit provides several ways to implement computed properties, and we’ll explore two approaches:

Method 1: Using getters and setters

In Lit, you can define getters and setters for your properties using the `@property` decorator. This allows you to create computed properties by defining a getter function that returns the calculated value.

import { property } from 'lit/decorators.js';

class MyElement extends HTMLElement {
  @property({ type: Number }) a = 0;
  @property({ type: Number }) b = 0;

  get sum() {
    return this.a + this.b;

  set sum(value) {
    this.a = value - this.b;

In this example, we define a `sum` property with a getter function that returns the sum of `a` and `b`. We also define a setter function that updates the value of `a` when the `sum` property is set.

Method 2: Using a separate computed property class

An alternative approach is to create a separate class that manages the computed property. This class can be used as a mixin to add computed property functionality to your Lit component.

class ComputedProperty {
  constructor(props) {
    this.props = props;

  get value() {
    return this.props.a + this.props.b;

class MyElement extends (ComputedPropertyMixin(ComputedProperty))(HTMLElement) {
  @property({ type: Number }) a = 0;
  @property({ type: Number }) b = 0;

  get sum() {
    return this.computedProperty.value;

function ComputedPropertyMixin(ComputedPropertyClass) {
  return class {
    constructor() {
      this.computedProperty = new ComputedPropertyClass(this);

In this example, we define a `ComputedProperty` class that calculates the sum of `a` and `b`. We then create a mixin using the `ComputedPropertyMixin` function, which adds the computed property functionality to our Lit component.

Best practices for using computed properties in Lit

When using computed properties in Lit, keep the following best practices in mind:

  1. Keep it simple**: Computed properties should be simple and straightforward. Avoid complex calculations or side effects.
  2. Use descriptive names**: Choose descriptive names for your computed properties to make your code more readable.
  3. Avoid circular dependencies**: Be careful not to create circular dependencies between computed properties. This can lead to infinite loops and performance issues.
  4. Use caching**: If your computed property is expensive to calculate, consider caching the result to improve performance.
Property Description
sum The sum of a and b
a A numeric property
b A numeric property

In conclusion, while Lit doesn’t have built-in support for computed properties like Vue.js, we can achieve similar functionality using getters and setters or a separate computed property class. By following best practices and understanding the use cases for computed properties, you can create more efficient, readable, and maintainable code for your Lit web components.

Now that you know how to create computed properties in Lit, it’s time to start building more complex and powerful web components. Happy coding!

Here is the HTML code for 5 FAQs about “Can we have ‘computed’ properties in Lit web components?”

Frequently Asked Question

Get the inside scoop on computed properties in Lit web components!

What are computed properties in Lit web components?

Computed properties in Lit web components are properties that are derived from other properties or values. They are essentially functions that return a value based on some computation or logic.

How do I define a computed property in Lit?

In Lit, you can define a computed property by creating a function that returns the desired value. You can then use this function as a property in your component. For example, you can create a function `fullName()` that returns the concatenation of `firstName` and `lastName` properties.

Can I use computed properties in Lit templates?

Yes, you can use computed properties in Lit templates. Simply call the computed property function in your template, and Lit will render the returned value. For example, you can use `{{fullName()}}` in your template to display the full name.

Do computed properties get updated automatically in Lit?

Yes, computed properties in Lit get updated automatically when the underlying properties or values change. This is because Lit uses a dependency tracking system to detect changes and re-compute the values accordingly.

Are computed properties efficient in Lit?

Yes, computed properties in Lit are efficient because they only re-compute the value when the dependencies change. This means that you don’t have to worry about unnecessary re-computations or performance overhead.

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